Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I am going to try a "Light Yoga" class today, not to be confused with Light Yogurt. I hope Light Yoga is NOT an oxymoron. It should be interesting since (in more ways than one) I am a very inflexible/non? flexible person.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Thanks Leah!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Favorite Summer Pictures

Sunset on Glen Lake (Will is the short one!)

Sandman on Lake Michigan

My Dad and my nephew, J.P. Hebert

Will, Will, Will and More Will!

"The Look"

I have no idea what Meredith is thinking, but this is her typical "look" . . . as she takes the world around her in. I can only imagine the thoughts that are going through her head. Perhaps she is thinking how much she loves her mother!? :) I only wish that I looked so lovely.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mer and Will on Glen Lake, July 2006

One, two, three, four, PLEASE don't grow ANYMORE!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cousins on Glen Lake

Pictured from left Ryan, Emma, Meredith, Will & J.P. (short guy in the front)

"Suntanned Fam"

July 2006 on Lake Michigan

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Whole Family!

Here we are on New Year's Day in Northern Michigan! Now where are our skis? Good question, notice the black diamond behind us. We walked up a million and one steps for a view of Lake Michigan and a photo op. Why is Will looking so glum? Is it because he is wearing a Jones Soda hat and I refuse to let him drink Jones Soda? Or could it be that he is mad that Mom won't let him go down the black diamond? Oh! He could go down the hill but he needs an adult to help go back UP the lift! Why? He is too short, the chair would probably slam him right in the neck! (perhaps some sense would be knocked into him?) Mom or Dad have to scoop him up every time we go up a lift! I wonder how many five-year-olds ever have an opportunity to ski at all? Both kids are certified ski bums . . . and good skiers too. I am relieved that Mer is somewhat, emphasis on the somewhat cautious. Me? I am so sore from falling down _____ (countless) times and struggling to get back up, not to mention using muscles that I have forgotten ever existed, I know, excuses, excuses. Ouch! Last year I was the BEST skier in the family, I swear! I must be getting older or is it the kids are getting A LOT, LOT better?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Favorite Pictures of 2005

And what was on the inside . . .

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you sunny days at the beach, a good book (or two) to read and great friends and family.
We wish you a bright fire on a cool summer night, just right for s’mores.
We wish you little boy hugs and kisses with lots of chocolate.
We wish you a bouquet of flowers, rainbows and sunshine.
We wish you FUN all year through.
We wish you bedtime stories, a warm house filled with LOVE and snow on Christmas.
We wish you and your family good health, much happiness, joy and peace in 2006.

Happy Christmas!
Love from the Jones Family,
Brian, Jennifer, Meredith and Will

Christmas 2005

In case you were wondering what my Christmas card looked liked on the
outside . . .

(artwork by Mer & Will 2005)

Happy New Year!

Per the request of a certain West Coast Editor, I have decided to add to my BLOG. I don't think I have added a post or a picture since July of 2004. I had actually forgotten that I had a BLOG at all. I had even forgotten what the password was/is to my BLOG. But thanks to the wonders of modern technology and due to the fact that I basically use the same password for everything, here I am! :) Let the year begin . . .