Here we are on New Year's Day in Northern Michigan! Now where are our skis? Good question, notice the black diamond behind us. We walked up a million and one steps for a view of Lake Michigan and a photo op. Why is Will looking so glum? Is it because he is wearing a Jones Soda hat and I refuse to let him drink Jones Soda? Or could it be that he is mad that Mom won't let him go down the black diamond? Oh! He could go down the hill but he needs an adult to help go back UP the lift! Why? He is too short, the chair would probably slam him right in the neck! (perhaps some sense would be knocked into him?) Mom or Dad have to scoop him up every time we go up a lift! I wonder how many five-year-olds ever have an opportunity to ski at all? Both kids are certified ski bums . . . and good skiers too. I am relieved that Mer is somewhat, emphasis on the somewhat cautious. Me? I am so sore from falling down _____ (countless) times and struggling to get back up, not to mention using muscles that I have forgotten ever existed, I know, excuses, excuses. Ouch! Last year I was the BEST skier in the family, I swear! I must be getting older or is it the kids are getting A LOT, LOT better?